Bead injection spectroscopy provides unique information on both retained and non-retained species as they pass through the light path defined by the gap between two optical fibers. Therefore, in the presence of non-retained species, the response curve exhibits a maximum, while the plateau is due to retained material.

Response of Captured and
Non-retained Biomolecules
Capture of human IgG on Sepharose Protein A beads in presence of bovine serum albumin. The dotted line indicates the shape of the curve that would be obtained in the absence of BSA.

This is the fastest method available for the estimate of impurities in biomolecular samples and cell culture products.

Sample: 10 μL 150μg human IgG/ mL with BSA
Carrier: Phosphate/saline buffer pH=7.4; Flow Rate: 2 μL/sec; Red bar: Sample,
Green Bar: carrier solution.